Are you being charged with prostitution in Illinois or solicitation of a prostitution? These charges are the type that can stay with you forever and place a severe damper on your future. If you hire an experienced lawyer you can fight and beat the prostitution charges you are facing. Our firm can handle your prostitution and solicitation of prostitution charges.
Beat Your Prostitution Charge in Chicago with a Chicago Criminal Lawyer
What can be done to beat your prostitution charge? Our firm will conduct a through investigation into your case. We will review your arrest report, court file, case file, complaint, charging instruments and vice case reports. We will review and compare these documents for any discrepancies and/or inaccuracies. If you were arrested in a Chicago Police Department prostitution sting or Cook County Sheriff’s Police prostitution sting there will usually be numerous arrests. We will subpoena and review the arrest reports of the other individuals arrested. This can often lead to material that can be used to impeach the officer and cast doubt on their credibility. We have had great success in obtaining not guilty verdicts on prostitution cases in Illinois by thoroughly reviewing and preparing for trial.
Getting Your Prostitution Case Dismissed in Chicago
Chicago criminal lawyer Michael Schmiege will work to get your prostitution case dismissed. While prostitution and solicitation of prostitution is a Class A misdemeanor that is punishable by up to one year in jail – jail time is usually not a sentence that will occur in these types of cases. However, a conviction can leave a permanent embarrassing scare on your criminal record. If Mr. Schmiege is unable to get your case dismissed he will take the case to trial and do everything that he can to obtain an acquittal on your case.
Protect your record. Protect your freedom – retain an experienced attorney who handles prostitution charges in Illinois as well as solicitation of prostitution. Don’t let a solicitation of prostitution charge destroy your future.
Contact our firm if you have been charged with prostitution in Chicago or solicitation of prostitution. We will fight for your rights.